African Changemakers Mentorship Workshop 2018 by Najeem Akinwande, Osun State- Nigeria
African Changemakers Mentorship Workshop 2018 at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State was a success. Plans were made, milestones were reached and the day came. A signal emerged that told me about it, but, even if I could act, what would I have done?There was down pour the previous night and it didn’t stop until evening of the event day. That prevented a number of people from attending the workshop. However, five no-excuse young men and women defied the rain and joined me to chart a course for the future of Nigeria and Africa. It was like I was presenting to five thousand members in attendance.
We went through some practical sessions to guide the attendees on how to supercharge their abilities. They were taken through processes to discover themselves and become emotionally intelligent. Later, we went through steps to bring ideas to life and distinctions were made about corporate and social entrepreneurship. They were encouraged to always consider to add impact into whatever businesses they would be running, because success should not only be measured by profit alone, but with the amount of impact they make on individuals and the society at large. They recognized themselves as stakeholders in the Nigeria project and promised to act on what they learned. They were also given access to some resources that could help them in their journey of changemaking.
The participants were not only empowered with information, they were given opportunities to present on the topics of leadership and entrepreneurship. We were not deterred by the low turn out, because we believed that change making is not about multitude, just as Margaret Mead said. . .
“I never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has”.
Thank you to Mrs. Olutope (Topsie) Olatilewa E., Ayo Ayeni and other members of the team at African Changemakers for this opportunity to volunteer and and serve.
Najeem Akinwande