Partnership/Sponsorship: African ChangeMakers Initiative (ACi) need your partnership and sponsorship for all our various programs to reach every communities in Africa. Partner with us with your resources and open doors of opportunities for African youth, women and girl’s.
Volunteer/Intern: We need volunteers and Intern both local or global to work with African ChangeMakers across Africa and beyond.
#ACcommunity: Individuals who are passionate about organizing and mobilizing people to be change agent in their community are welcome to apply for ChangeMakers Community for your city and state. Contact us at
#ACi Alumni & Partners: African ChangeMakers Alumni Network is where we connect all African ChangeMakers ACiFellows, ACiMentors, ACi-Community Leaders, Partners, Stakeholders to continue to connect, share, learn and collaborate with African ChangeMakers brands and with each other by sharing their works, project, career, business and opportunities. AC Alumni Network members gives, get advice and feedback from members, access resources and information.