African ChangeMakers Leadership Summit (ACLeads) is a signature annual event fostering in-person connections of a unique gathering of changemakers, gamechangers, agent of change, movers and shakers of enterprise and innovation from every corner of Africa, diaspora and beyond meeting face-to-face …
Why we must eliminate violence against women Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today remains largely unreported due to the impunity, silence, stigma and shame …
African Changemakers Fellowship (#ACFellowship) Program. African ChangeMakers Fellowship Program (#ACFellowship) selects impressive African visionaries between the ages 25-40 years to train and empower them to change their communities positively across Africa and beyond. These committed changemakers know best how to …
African ChangeMakers Cohort 2 meet-up event in the Littoral Region Cameroon by South West and Littoral members. #Africanchangemakers #ACFellowsCameroon #ACFellowsCohort2 #wearethechangeAFRICA #Cameroonmeetupevent
AFRICAN CHANGEMAKERS FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM COHORT 2, DELTA STATE MEET-UP AND UPDATES OF PROJECTS ACTIVITY. DATE: 27th October, 2018. ATTENDANCE: Joy Elomena-Akpoviri- Admin, Gloria Dafeyerakpo, Olise Dumbo, Lily Douere Bandotubo – Secretary AGENDA -Introduction -Discussion concerning our courses and assignments -Project activity MINUTES OF MEETING. …