African ChangeMakers Women in Leadership. International Women’s Day 2020. #EachforEqual #IWD2020 African ChangeMakers Initiative (ACi) is celebrating International Women’s Day 2020 with the world, by shining light on WOMEN working hard in African ChangeMakers Initiative Network impacting their communities across …
African ChangeMakers Initiative. Cameroon Chapter. Cameroon Chapter Home: President Email: Current Events & Activities ACi Cameroon Chapter Campaign for Covid-19 Pandemic. Stay Home, Stay Safe. ** LIKE, COMMENT BELOW, TAG A FRIEND & SHARE ** #AfricanChangemakers #WorldHealthDay #Covid19 #coronavirus #ACiCameroonChapter #CameroonYouth #Changemakers #Africayouth #Africa #changemaking #ACFellow …
African ChangeMakers Cohort 2 meet-up event in the Littoral Region Cameroon by South West and Littoral members. #Africanchangemakers #ACFellowsCameroon #ACFellowsCohort2 #wearethechangeAFRICA #Cameroonmeetupevent
My name is NFOR Shirley MBURLI, I am 26 years old and Cameroonian by nationality. I am a native of the Wimbum tribe, specifically from Sehn, Donga Mantung Division, Northwest Region of Cameroon. I was born to the family of …
You are making me proud, from the 20th Position to the 6th position and now the 5th position in this ORANGE SOCIAL VENTURE PRIZE competition. To be at the 1st position today, the Target is to have 400 more VOTES …