By: Mutasim Essa Abdallah Adam -Sudan (African ChangeMakers Fellow, Cohort 1 (ACFellow) Today the global demand for energy is increasing rapidly, because of population and economic growth, especially in emerging market economies and unfortunately access to energy in Africa is …
Youth unemployment is one of the biggest challenges faced by more than 56, 000 youths in Zambia. Social innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership can help create jobs and reduce high unemployment among youths in Zambia. Finding myself as African ChangeMakers Fellow …
Please help African ChangeMakers Fellows Cohort 1 & 2 Alumni win the ongoing STARTUPPER OF THE YEAR BY TOTAL, by visiting each of their page and give them your LIKES to support and make them win their initiatives. #ChangemakerLeads * Linda …
African ChangeMakers Cohort 2 meet-up event in the Littoral Region Cameroon by South West and Littoral members. #Africanchangemakers #ACFellowsCameroon #ACFellowsCohort2 #wearethechangeAFRICA #Cameroonmeetupevent
AFRICAN CHANGEMAKERS FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM COHORT 2, DELTA STATE MEET-UP AND UPDATES OF PROJECTS ACTIVITY. DATE: 27th October, 2018. ATTENDANCE: Joy Elomena-Akpoviri- Admin, Gloria Dafeyerakpo, Olise Dumbo, Lily Douere Bandotubo – Secretary AGENDA -Introduction -Discussion concerning our courses and assignments -Project activity MINUTES OF MEETING. …