African ChangeMakers Fellowship Program 2020. (#ACFellowship) African ChangeMakers Fellowship Program (#ACFellowship) selects impressive African visionaries, changemakers, game-changers, impact-makers, agent of change, movers and shakers of enterprise and innovation between the ages of 25-40 years to train, develop their skills and …
African ChangeMakers Online Mentorship Program. (#ACMentorship) Our Mantra: Catch them Young, Leaders of Today, not Tomorrow African Changemakers Mentorship (#ACMentorship) closes the gap of self-development by our powerful support network at every level in life for emerging youth, women, men, …
African ChangeMakers Fellowship Cohort 3, 2019. #ACFellowship2019 #ACFellowCohort3 Congratulations to all selected changemakers, game-changers, impact-makers, agent of change, movers and shakers of enterprise and innovation for African ChangeMakers Fellowship Program Cohort 3, 2019. 2,157 people applied for African ChangeMakers Fellowship …
By: Mutasim Essa Abdallah Adam -Sudan (African ChangeMakers Fellow, Cohort 1 (ACFellow) Today the global demand for energy is increasing rapidly, because of population and economic growth, especially in emerging market economies and unfortunately access to energy in Africa is …