African ChangeMakers Leadership Summit (#ACLeads2019)
Theme: United in Action: Collaboration not Competition.
#ACLeads2019 #UnitedinAction #CollaborationNotCompetition
Date: April 20, 2019 (Saturday)
Time: 11.00am – 4pm
- Calling on all African and International delegates, sponsors, partners, speakers, exhibitors, diaspora and friends of Africa for a unique opportunity to be part of African ChangeMakers Leadership Summit (ACLeads).
- Do you have a products, services or brand you want the whole Africa to know about, get a table at African Changemakers Leadership Summit (ACLeads) to showcase and share your brands and ideas to African Changemakers communities and innovators?
- Organizations and media house are welcomed to partner with us in bringing to light great works of men and women across Africa and the globe. Contact us at event@africanchangemakers.org
- Connect/Follow/Join African Changemakers social media channels below for all pre/post ACAwards for all updates, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter or send your name and email to event@africanchangemakers.org
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Partners & Affilliates
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