African ChangeMakers Fellows Cohort 2( Zambia) Meet-up.
The meet up took place on Saturday 3rd November,2018. ACFellows Cohort 2 Zambia present were Lute Phiri, Mukuka Mwiko and John Kakandelwa.

The meet up was centered on all the African ChangeMakers Fellowship courses, getting to know each other and the projects we plan on undertaking. Lute talked about the power of planning, she emphasised on the importance of planning if a project has to succeed. Mukuka said that she looked at the courses as a ‘whole.’ Each course was interlinked to the next course. For example, you cannot talk about planning without talking about pitching and funding. John echoed the sentiments of Lute and reemphasized on proper planning. He encouraged each one of us to be responsible in our communities.

On ideas of projects, John wants to develop a project within his community where he wants to engage youths in gardening. He belongs to an organisation which empowers youths by giving them land.
Lute is passionate about education and entrepreneurship. Her idea is to nature kids between the ages 7- 18 or from grades one to twelve. She plans to do this by donating school materials to rural schools and community schools . She plans on registering her organisation called ‘Kakwendo’ so that it can be fully operational.

Mukuka wants to mentor young girls and young women so that they can be able to stand on their own, improve their self esteem, be proud of who they are. She believes mentorship is key in improving the lives of young girls so that they can become better and responsible citizens.
All the three ACFellows agreed to roll out the African ChangeMakers course to others so that they can also benefit and contribute to the growth of the nation.

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Tag:ACfellows Cohort 2, Zambia